Test Case Generation and Minimization using UML Activity Diagram in Model Driven Environment

International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends  (IJCOT)          
© 2014 by IJCOT Journal
Volume - 4 Issue - 3
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Ms. Hetal J. Thanki , Prof. S.M.Shinde
DOI :  10.14445/22492593/IJCOT-V9P309


Ms. Hetal J. Thanki , Prof. S.M.Shinde. "Test Case Generation and Minimization using UML Activity Diagram in Model Driven Environment", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V4(3):100-104 May - June 2014, ISSN:2249-2593, www.ijcotjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


Test driven design (TDD) and design driven testing (DDT) are used for test case generation. TDD generates so many duplicated test cases at the end of the project. DDT is novel approach to generate test cases based on design model of application. Comparative study indicates batter result using DDT. White-box traditional regression testing depends on analysis of impact of changes in source code. This practice minimizes the amount of testing required to validate code changes but they do not influence on requirement specification. Black-box testing supports ability to test from higher level design and requirement. Test optimal is a tool to generate test cases based on model driven environment using UML activity diagrams. Traditional approach generates many numbers of large and duplicate test cases. Proposed approach will minimize generated test cases and generate optimal test suite using model driven testing. Changes in design of project, modified activity diagram element will identify common and uncommon test cases. Where uncommon test cases are focused for further testing. Filtering will lead to better available resource utilization and will improve software project management.


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Activity diagram, Model driven testing, Regression testing, Test minimization, common test cases, uncommon test cases.