Development and Technology Adoption of Farmers in Thailand

International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends (IJCOT)          
© 2014 by IJCOT Journal
Volume - 4 Issue - 1
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors :  Kasamapong Pothisoontorn , Dr. Piti Srisangnam , Dr. Phannaphatr Savetpannuvong
DOI :  10.14445/22492593/IJCOT-V5P316


Kasamapong Pothisoontorn , Dr. Piti Srisangnam , Dr. Phannaphatr Savetpannuvong. "Development and Technology Adoption of Farmers in Thailand ", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends  (IJCOT), V4(1):54-58 Jan - Feb 2014, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


This research is the study on development and technology adoption of farmers in Thailand and in-depth interview was conducted with the Chairman of Farmer Association of Thailand in accompanying with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on the way to adopt innovation and technology development for rice farming and the way to occur the acceptance on adoption for benefit. The finding indicated that the technology adoption by governmental sector in the initial period following by the private later resulted in the extension of more application among the rice farming groups by themselves when perceiving the benefits gained from technology adoption such as cost reduction, time decrease and output enhancement, creating the technology acceptance in agriculturalist group.


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development, technology adoption, farmers in Thailand.